Welcome – Bienvenue


When women, children and youth unite to create a more just world, it will be a force such as the world has never known. Women, children and youth represent 75 % of the world’s population and their impact is needed to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Agenda 2030. Lorsque les femmes, les enfants et les jeunes s’uniront pour créer un monde plus juste, ce sera une force telle que le monde ne l’a jamais vue. Les femmes, les enfants et les jeunes représentent 75 % de la population mondiale et leur impact est nécessaire pour atteindre les Objectifs de Développement Durable des Nations Unies – Agenda 2030.

Prize for Woman’s Creativity
in Rural Life


To-date, 492 Prizes have been awarded in over 130 countries (US$ 1000 per prizewinner – honoring creativity, courage & compassion and help advance the quality of life in rural communities. “many rural woman suffer form discrimination, systemic racism & structural poverty, despite playing a critical role in food security & nutrition. We must invest in rural women so they can have access to the healtcare, social protection & information servies the need”

Intl. Day of Rural Women –
15 October


This day is an opportunity to showcasing women’s efforts and results in pushing collectively for change, especially in communities where climate change is challenging their survival.

Raising awarness of women’s participation in their rural development with a focus on their efforts and achievements, needs and rights, highlighting their contributions to sustainable development, household Food security, safeguarding traditional knowledge biodiversity, leadership & peace building. www.woman.ch/international-day-of-rural-women-15-october-2024/

19 Days of Activism for the prevention of violence & abuse against children & youth
1-19 November

The WWSF annual Prevention Kit, 1-19 November, provides 19 themes and ideas for action, to craft powerful advocay and help realize the end of violence and abuse against children and youth, and promoting the SDG Goal Target #16.2 “End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children”.

(Annual Kit available online).

It takes compassion to end violence against children & youth.

WWSF propose to families, diverse networks, clubs, and youth groups to consider creating Community circles of compassion to meet, discuss, learn, and help implement strong prevention measures to end persistent violence and abuse against children and youth and increase to respect their basic human rights.

Women, Children & Youth represent 75 % of the world population – 6 billion strong – can no longer be ignored

The WWSF 75 % Campaign included Leadership Training for Woman & Youth : Leading from the Heart to serve Humanity  & achieve the UN SDG Agenda 2030.


Why 75 % ? To inspire the world with a wave of action for the general common Good for All.

Mission : Breaking the notion of exclusion and discrmination, igniting a 75 % movement, claiming a seat a the decision-making Table


1991-2024 HIGHLIGHTS

Brief description of WWSF empowerment programs, annual campaigns, and activities to inspire civic engagement and service to humanity.

1991-2024 POINTS FORTS

Brève description des programmes annuelles d’autonomisation de la FSMF, des campagnes et des activités pour inspirer l’engagement de la société civile au service à l’humanité.

About WWSF - À propos du FSMF

WWSF is a not-for-profit, international, humanitarian, non-governmental, lay organization (INGO), based in Geneva, Switzerland. Since its creation on 8 March in 1991 (Intl. Women’s Day), WWSF serves with its annual empowerment campaigns, prize awards, world days, Round Tables, social media alerts and 75% Forums, the advancement of women, children and youth and the realization of the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Agenda 2030. WWSF has consultative status at the United Nations (ECOSOC, UNFPA and UN DPINGO. La Fondation Sommet Mondial des Femmes (FSMF) est une organisation internationale, humanitaire, non gouvernementale, LNC (ONG) à but non lucratif, basée à Genève, Suisse. Depuis sa création le 8 mars 1991 (Journée internationale de la femme), la FSMF sert avec ses campagnes annuelles d’autonomisation, les remises des prix, les journées mondiales, tables rondes, et ses 75 % forums, alertes et conférences sur les réseaux sociaux, la promotion des droits des femmes et des enfants la réalisation d’Objectifs de Développement Durable – Agenda 2030

Why was WWSF created? - Pourquoi la FSMF a-t-elle été créé?

Recognizing that women, children and youth represent the world’s largest constituency  (75%) who have little to say in co-designing the economic and political space in which they live. It is imperative that their thoughts and visions, skills, concrete and effective participation in development, and their deep aspiration for a more just and peaceful world be considered to help catalyze the necessary political will for the transformation of systems and structures into pathways of equality, sustainable development and peace.
Reconnaissant que les femmes, les enfants et les jeunes représentent la plus grande circonscription au monde (75%) qui n’ont pas grand-chose à dire pour façonner l’espace économique et politique dans lequel ils vivent. Il est impératif que leurs pensées et leur visions, compétences concrets et participation effective au développement durable ainsi que leur aspiration profonde à un monde plus juste et plus pacifique soient envisagées pour aider à catalyser la volonté politique nécessaire à la transformation des systèmes et des structures en voies d’égalité, de développement et de paix.

Introduction to the updated WWSF annual
Empowerment Campaigns

75% Campaign

Women, Children and Youth represent 75% of the world’s population, claiming a seat at the Table 


“When Women, Children & Youth unite to create a more just world, it will be a force such as the world has never known”

“Lorsque les femmes, les enfants et les jeunes s’uniront pour créer un monde plus juste, ils représenteront une force telle que le monde n’en a jamais connue.”

White Ribbon Switzerland Section
Ruban Blanc Suisse

Eliminating violence and abuse against women and youth

  • Link to Website : www.ruban-blanc.ch
  • WWSF created the Swiss branch of the White Ribbon Campaign (globally are over 60 countries with national Hubs) ensuring that men, women and youth declare: ”I pledge not to commit, nor condone,  nor remaining silent about violence and abuse against women and youth, especially in domestic situations.
  • After 13 years of campaigning in English, French and German, the White Ribbon Committee CH decided to take a break and assess progress made in eliminating gender-based violence especially domestic violence. Children witnessing domestic violence are marked for life and very often introduce the same behavior in their relationship later in life. It’s time to change our culture of tolerating continued gender-based violence.


Annual Activity Reports - Rapports d'Activité Annuels

2023 Activity Report

2023 Achievements and 2023 Outlook. Download to read!

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2022 Activity Report

2022 Achievements and 2022 Outlook. Download to read!

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2021 Activity Report

2021 Achievements and 2021 Outlook. Download to read!

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2020 Activity Report

2020 Achievements and 2021 Outlook. Download to read!

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2019 Activity Report

2019 Achievements and 2020 Outlook. Download to read!

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2018 Activity Report

2018 Achievements and 2018 Outlook. Download to read!

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2017 Activity Report

2017 Achievements and 2017 Outlook. Download to read!

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2016 Activity Report

2016 Achievements and 2016 Outlook. Download to read!

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