WWSF – Innovation Prize for Prevention of violence against Children and Youth


61 Coalition Member Laureate organizations awarded (2004-2021)

2021 – 1 Prize (US$ 1’000) for Hosec Foundation, Ibadan, Nigeria

2020 – 1 Prize (US$ 1’000) for Haven Initiative, Nigeria

2019 – 2 Prizes (US$ 1’000 each) for VILLAGE OF HOPE COMMUNITY, Kendu Bay Town, Kenya and the Child Protection Network, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

2018 – Prize (US$ 2000) for the Amani Initiative, Arua Uganda (for their campaign: “Prevention of teenage pregnancy and early marriage”)

2017 – 2 Prizes (US$ 1000 each) Network Movement for Youth and Children’s Welfare (NMYCW-SL), Sierra Leone / “Hol dir Hilfe”, Switzerland

2016 – 3 19 Days Campaign partner organizations: The Foundation po DRUGIE, Poland (US$ 2000) / Giving Children Hope Initiative (GCHI) Uganda (US$ 1000) / Navjyoti India Foundation, India (US$ 1000).

2015 – No Prizes were awarded

2014 – 5 Laureate organizations: 3 for US$ 1000: Cooperation for Peace and Development

Afghanistan / Nuestra Escuela, Puerto Rico / Giving Children Hope Initiative, Uganda
2 additional awards of (US$ 500): International NGO “Ponimanie”, Belarus / Asociatia Buna
Ziua, Romania

2013 – Total of 6 Laureate organizations. 2 for (US$1000 each): Union of Crisis Centers, Almaty,

Kazakhstan and ONG Samba Mwanas, Libreville, Gabon 4 Additional  Awards  (US$  500 each):  Humanitarian  Organization of Mercy  (HOM)  Cotonou,  Bénin  / FICE Romania, Bucarest  / Centro Integrado  de Apoio Familiar  CIAF, Sao Paulo, Brazil / Solidarité  pour la Paix et le Développement Communautaire des Hauts Plateaux de Fizi-Minembwe, Masina-Kinshasa, RDC

2012 – 4 Laureate organizations (US$ 1000 each) Xi’an Philanthropic Child Abuse Prevention & Aid

Centre, China / Queen Rania Family & Child Center Production, Jordan / The National Family Safety Program, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Asociacion Metropoli, Colombia / 1 Additional Award (US$ 500): Action Enfance Sénégal

2011 – First Laureate (US$ 3000): UDISHA – Society for Education, Employment & Sustainable

Development, India Second Laureate (US$ 1000): Taia Development Programme, Sierra Leone / 2 Additional Award (US$ 500): Chantier d’appui, de loisirs, de bricolage des Lapinos (CALBRIL) Cameroon / Centre for Human Rights  “AMOS” Bitola, Macedonia

2010 – First Laureate (US$ 3000): Xi’an Philanthropic Child Abuse Prevention and Aid Center PCAN,

China / Second Laureate (US$ 1000): KAFA (Enough) Violence and Exploitation, Lebanon Third Laureate (US$ 500): Somali Society Development Association (SOSDA), Somalia /Honorary Award: Terre des Hommes, Italy

2009 – First Laureate (US$ 3000): Children-Women in Social Services and Human Rights (CWISH)

Nepal / Second Laureate (US$ 1000): BZN Atlas / Movement Without a Name (MWN Atlas), Belgium / 2  Additional Awards  (US$  500  each):  Saba  Media  Organization (SMO) Afghanistan / Laboratório de  Análise e Prevenção da Violência (LAPREV), Brazil / Honorary Award: SOS Kinderdorf International, Bosnia & Herzegovina

2008 – First Laureate (US$ 3000): The Office of the Ombudsperson for Children, Croatia

Second Laureate (US$ 1000): Corporación Gestión Ecuador, Ecuador / 3 Additional Awards (US$ 500 each) Fairland Foundation (FAFO), Uganda / Stairway Foundation Inc. (SFI) Philippines / Community Human Rights and Advocacy Centre (CHRAC), Cameroon

2007 – First Laureate (US$ 3000): Society for Empowering Human Resources (SEHER), Pakistan

Second Laureate (US$ 1000): Ass. Mondiale pour les Orphelins et les Enfants Abandonnés, Togo / 2 Additional   Awards   (US$ 500 each):  Observatorio   sobre  Infancia   de  la  Universidad   Nacional de Colombia / Organisation Nationale des Femmes Rurales “Fleurs de Centrafrique” (ONFR/FC)

2006 – 2 First Laureates (US$ 3000 each): Tulir Centre for the Prevention and Healing of Child Sexual

Abuse (Tulir CPHCSA), India / Queen Rania Family & Child Center at Jordan River Foundation, Jordan / 2 Awards (US$ 500 each): Association Najdeh, Lebanon / Cercle de Réflexion et d’Action pour Christ (CRAC), Togo

2005 – First Laureate (US$ 3000): International Child Abuse Network Inc (Yes ICAN), USA / Second

Laureate (US$ 1000): Asociación Afecto contra el maltrato infantil (AFECTO), Colombia / 2 Additional  Awards  (US$ 500 each):  Muhammadan  Women  Welfare  Society,  Pakistan  / Youth Net and Counseling (YONECO), Malawi

2004 – First Laureate (US$ 3000): Women Action Coalition Child Abuse (WACCA), Nigeria

Second Laureate (US$ 1000): Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights (PCSW/HR), Pakistan / Additional  Awards  (US$  500  each):  Committee  for  Prevention  of  Child  Abuse  of  East  Asia  (STA  –  CPCA),  China / and Vienna Network for Prevention of Sexual Abuse against Girls, Boys and Youth, Austria

WWSF Innovation Prize for Prevention (as of 2000 WWSF selects the prize amount according to the current financial situation)

Original Background

In order to address the requests for financial assistance we receive from coalition member organizations, commemorating the 19 Days for activism and the World Day, WWSF decided to annually award four Prizes for innovative activities.


  • Awarding, while considering the different contexts of countries and communities, pertinent activities and significant events related to prevention of child abuse;
  • Encouraging ongoing efforts by organizations to develop and increase prevention measures;
  • Catalyzing new energies.

Prize categories

First prize: Prize for innovative prevention activities (US$ 2000) Honouring a unique and visionary activity serving as an example for annual events.
Second prize: Prize for significant prevention activities (US$ 1000) Honouring perseverance, past accomplishments and facing new challenges in working for prevention of child abuse.
Two additional awards: For specific activities (US$ 500 each) Honouring a particular pertinent activity at the grassroots level.

Prize Jury Members