Archive – 2023: We share the UN Sustainable Development Goals Report – Special edition towards a Rescue Plan for People and Planet

17 Days of Activism – Empowerment Kit – Archive

Dear WWSF Partners and Friends,

We wish to inform you that the WWSF secretariat has decided to cancel our annual “Call to action – 17 Days of Activism”, and share with you mportant UN publication for 2024, which is Summit for the Future in September 2024. The Full process will be shared here at a later date.

“The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023″:

Special edition

Towards a Rescue Plan for People and Planet

United Nations


Excerpt of the Report : “Five key areas for urgent action

1} Heads of State and Government should recommit to seven years of accelerated, sustained and transformative action, both nationally and internationally, to deliver on the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals.

2) Governments should advance concrete, integrated and targeted policies and actions to eradicate poverty, reduce inequality and end the war on nature, with a focus on advancing the rights of women and girls and empowering the most vulnerable

3) Governments should strengthen national and subnational capacity, accountability and public institutions to deliver accelerated progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

4) The international community should recommit at the SDG Summit to deliver on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and to mobilize the resources and investment needed for developing countries to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly those in special situations and experiencing acute vulnerability.

5) Member States should facilitate the continued strengthening of the United Nations development system and boost the capacity of the multilateral system to tackle emerging challenges and address Sustainable Development Goals-related gaps and weaknesses in the international architecture that have emerged since 2015.“


This Special edition is the most urgent Call for action, which all of us must take seriously and commit to doing our share to help deliver the promised Sustainable Development Goals Agenda by 2030.

Thank you for sharing the Special edition with your networks, friends and partners. We all have a role to play.

Kind regards,

Maria Elfriede (Elly) Pradervand, WWSF Founder/President, convening 4 annual campaigns



2022 Call to action KIT – Introduction

We had a Dream … and now we have a Plan

with the Sustainable Development Goals – Agenda 2030, especially the selected SDGoals below to ensure that Gender Equality, the Empowerment of all Women, and the rights of Rural Women and Girls become a reality by 2030.                                              



WWSF is happy to share with you our 2021 Empowerment Kit “17 Days of Activism for the Empowerment of rural women leaders and their constituencies to Rise and Claim their rights 1-17 October”, and inform you that our annual 17 Days Call to Action is focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Agenda 2030 – leaving no one behind.

Download 17 Days Activism Kit 2022 here.

Link to 1 October 2022 Press Release

We invite you to join us as an active campaign coalition partner and share the proposed ideas for action with your civil society network, grassroots, and rural women’s movements and groups. “It is estimated that 1.7 billion women and girls live in rural areas, it is more than one-fifth of humanity. Globally one in three women are employed in agriculture, including forestry and fishing. They contribute substantially to agriculture production and perform the biggest share of unpaid domestic work within rural households.” (IFAD).

WWSF Campaign Objectives

Activism must connect with real people on the ground.

The annual WWSF empowerment Kit offers information, tools, resources, and ideas for action to mobilize rural women leaders and their communities to Rise and Claim their fundamental human rights.

Please note that you and your organization are free to choose the themes most appropriate for your work in your region and context. We recognize that there are many other issues in addition to the proposals presented in the Kit, and we encourage you to focus on your local priorities. Now is the time to give credit where it’s due. Activism must connect with real people on the ground.

An annual impact report is published presenting the coalition member organizations that join the 17 Days of Activism Campaign and send us a brief report.
Remember Together we can do what no one can do alone. To quote Eleanore Roosevelt “You must do what you think you cannot do”.

Archives: Campaign Kit “17 Days of Activism for the Empowerment of Rural Women Leaders and their Communities 1-17 October”

Edition 2021 – 17 Days of Activism for the empowerment of rural women

Edition 2020 – 17 Days of Activism for the empowerment of rural women

Edition 2019 – 17 Days of Activism for the empowerment of rural women

Edition 2018 – 17 Days of Activism for the empowerment of rural women

Edition 2017 – 17 Days of Activism for the empowerment of rural women

Edition 2016 – 17 Days of Activism for the empowerment of rural women