A bit of WWSF history

A bit of WWSF history

1991: The Women’s World Summit Foundation (WWSF) was created on 8 March, International Women’s Day, as an international, not-for-profit, humanitarian, civil society organization, based in Geneva, concerned with the welfare of humanity, and especially with the advancement of women’s and children’s rights. We focused on two binding UN Conventions: CEDAW* and CRC* – that deserve greater attention and lobby work for urgent implementation by governments, UN agencies, and civil society combined.

1993-1996: WWSF published its first Newsletters “75 percent”, and introduced the concept of women and children, representing 75% of the world population, researched by Dr. Krishna Ahooja-Patel, a former ILO official, and WWSF President at the time.

2021: After 30 years of convening annual women’s empowerment programs, prevention of violence against children and youth campaigns, prize awards, World Days, Round Tables, and a Swiss White Ribbon campaign, WWSF re-launches the 75%  initiative, claiming a seat at the Table.

Now is the time to create a paradigm shift to introduce a new social order that not only includes women in decision-making but helps realize the much-needed system change to turn the world around for Good.

Given the challenges in the world today, we need a new vision to help us overcome a global health pandemic, appalling climate change events, continued violence, including gender-based violence, and insecurities around the world, and give 75% more visibility, support, and especially a voice, igniting increased actions for Good that can change the world compassionately.


Concept Note 75% Campaign PDF 6 Pages


Vision, Mission and Objective

Why 75%A4GI claim a seat at the table

“Women in leadership must be the norm”

Invitation to join the 75% Campaign and Registration Form

Introduction to Key Ressources (CEDAW, CRC, BPA, Resolution 1325, SDG Agenda 2030)

Summary: Women’s World Summit Foundation Campaigns