Why 75% claim a seat at The Table?

Why 75% claim a seat at The Table ?


To inspire the world with a wave of actions for Good, serving humanity with concrete support and compassion. The sheer number of 75%, 6 billion strong, of the world population gives this new campaign legitimacy to be included in co-designing new systems and paradigms to meet present urgent needs.

 It’s time to showcase the contributions by 75% of the world population, share their respect for human rights, and demand that the many promised Action plans, pledges, and promises announced by UN Member States over the past 30 years be delivered and include the voices of women, children, and youth.

We are not excluding male actors for Good, and there are many. WWSF commits to persuade the world political and economic male leaders among the 25% – Presidents and Prime Ministers, corporate managers, politicians, and professors who are among the decision-takers – to co-create with 75%  a new paradigm for Good, reducing conflicts, extreme inequalities among countries and achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Agenda 2030, as well as the Human Rights Agenda.

Concept Note 75% Campaign PDF 6 Pages


Vision, Mission and Objective

A bit of WWSF history

“Women in leadership must be the norm”

Invitation to join the 75% Campaign and Registration Form

Introduction to Key Ressources (CEDAW, CRC, BPA, Resolution 1325, SDG Agenda 2030)

Summary: Women’s World Summit Foundation Campaigns